Rapport i.s.m. derden

Report on academic and scientific dissemination & events


To maximise the impact of the evidence base ULTIMATE created, an elaborate strategy for exploitation and dissemination was formulated. One element of impact creation by ULTIMATE is to maximise uptake and insights among the scientific and academic community. This is supported by the dissemination of new knowledge through scientific publications and contributions to scientific conferences, including open access publications and papers. A specific task, T6.7 – Academic and Scientific Dissemination & Events, was dedicated to the communication of results to the international scientific community. This deliverable provides on overview of the activities and outputs delivered under this task 6.7.
A total of 21 scientific papers were prepared for publication in peer reviewed journals, of which 10 papers had been accepted for publication by the end of the project (31st October 2024). Of the accepted papers, 9 are published as open access, and at least 8 further open access papers are expected. A large collection of these papers was submitted to a special issue in the journal Water Science and Technology dedicated to industrial symbiosis solutions. In addition to the peer reviewed papers, ULTIMATE provided 29 contributions (presentations and posters) to international scientific conferences. To further support the dissemination of the outcomes to the academic and scientific communities, an ULTIMATE project page was created in the ResearchGate platform, results were publishing by participating organisations (e.g. the online library of KWR) and ULTIMATE organising exchange between research and university partners.

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