Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D1.2

Co-Creation Process in Demo-Sites - Progress Report


“Deliverable 1.2 (D1.2) is a public report delivered in month 28 (M28) and again in M48 (D1.5) corresponding to Task 1.2. It illustrates the stakeholder engagement (SHE) and co-creation in practice in the 7 project Demo-Sites (DSs). It contains updates on the DSs theories of change (ToCs), SHE, co- creation and communications roadmaps, and it provides an overview of the engagement activities until M28 accompanied by short descriptions and a reflection on the SHE processes and content so far. D1.2 brings together all the lessons learned from the DS SHE to date to better align the engagement with the development of the DSs solutions and the Resilience Knowledge Boosters (RKBs), both the digital and human dimensions, to ensure successful implementation and lasting impact in the DSs’ regions.
This deliverable is linked to activities in Work Packages (WPs) 4 (deployment of solutions), WP7 (communication and dissemination) and WP2 (RKBs development), and is also linked to all other WPs as it provides an overview of current SHE and knowledge from the stakeholders (SHs) that can directly contribute to the development of the project tools (WP3 and 5) and legacy of the project (WP6). D1.2 is a public document which is also meant to be used by the project partners for their activities. To this purpose, D1.2 contains links to internal project documents that are not accessible to the public as well as links to public documents, specifically D1.1 available on the IMPETUS website.”

(Citation: Andrews, L., Munaretto, S. – IMPETUS – Co-Creation Process in Demo-Sites – Progress Report D1.2 (2024))

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