Preventing pluvial flooding and water shortages by integrating local aquifer storage and recovery in urban areas
“Water management in urban areas forms an increasing challenge due to intense rainfall events and the increasing water demand for non-potable use. Rainwater harvesting and use can be successful in providing a high-quality additional water source. Due to its limited spatial footprint, large capacity, and potential disinfection, aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) can be an interesting MAR-technique in urban areas. The Urban Waterbuffer concept was developed and tested in the city of Rotterdam (The Netherlands). It aims to locally collect and retain rainwater from 4.5 hectares of different urban areas and pre-treat it with green infrastructure such that it can be used for infiltration by an ASR. It was found that a retention basin was needed to compensate for the low infiltrate rate of the ASR well. The biofilter was camouflaged in the urban space and provided sufficient treatment to meet legal water quality limits. DOC, suspended solids, and Fe concentrations were still higher than operationally desired, and can result in well clogging. A reduction in infiltration capacity at the ASR well was already observed during moments of high Fe concentrations in the infiltration water. A closer microbial risk assessment is required to ensure safe use of the recovered water, but could not be executed with the data collected so-far. The main disinfection is of the rainwater is expected in the aquifer, based on the operation and location of the biofilter and the first plate count results.”
(Citation: Zuurbier, K.G., de Doelder, B., Kok, W., van Breukelen, B. – Preventing pluvial flooding and water shortages by integrating local aquifer storage and recovery in urban areas – ISMAR 10, Madrid, Spain, 20-24 May 2019, p.667-675)