Rapport i.s.m. derden
- 11201825-000-HYE-0008

The influence of subsurface heat sources on the drinking water temperature


“This report summarizes the research which has been performed to determine a recommended distance between drinking water pipelines and heat sources in the subsurface. In the research a coupling of 4 different models has been performed to come to a recommended distance between the subsurface heat sources and drinking water pipelines. These models were:
1 1D soil model in the vertical
2 2D soil model in a vertical plane in the soil
3 2D drinking water model, along the pipeline taking into account a small section of the soil around it.
4 1D drinking water distribution model along the pipelines.
The results of these coupled models could not be validated yet with measurement data. Therefore, it was not yet possible to give a recommended distance between the drinking water pipeline and the subsurface heat source. This will be investigated in future research.”

(Citaat: van der Zwan, S., Blokker, E.J.M., Agudelo-Vera, C.M., Nugroho, D. – The influence of subsurface heat sources on the drinking water temperature – Deltares – KWR – 11201825-000-HYE-0008 – 2020)

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