Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D5.4

BINGO - First report on the assessment of the current situation and recommendations for improvement at the research sites using the three layer framework


“This report gives an overview of the current state of water governance regarding climate change at the six BINGO research sites. The analysis is based on questionnaires among risk owners and stakeholders at the six research sites and two in-depth interviews with experts on national-adaptation policies. The results of the questionnaires and interviews are interpreted using the Three Layer Framework for Water Governance developed by the Water Governance Council. Based on this analysis, strengths and weaknesses of the governance situation are reported for each research site, and suggestions for improvement are offered. Finally, a cross-country comparison of the strengths, weaknesses and improvements is made. This deliverable is primarily used as input for further work in T5.1 and T5.3. The assessment of the current governance situation will be combined with the analysis of adaptation measures (T5.1) to make further suggestions for improvement of water governance at the research sites (T5.3, D5.4(2)”

(Citaat: van Alphen, H.J., Bergsma, E.J. – BINGO – First report on the assessment of the current situation and recommendations for improvement at the research sites using the three layer framework – D5.4 (2016))

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