Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D4.9

Report on the improvement options to enhance sustainable urban water management in the Key Demonstration Cities - Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges


“The aim of this report is to identify improvement options to further enhance the sustainable management of water resources in each of the POWER Key Demonstration Cities (KDCs), namely Leicester, Milton Keynes, Sabadell and Jerusalem. These improvement options arise from the challenges that are identified using the City Blueprint approach. This is a diagnosis tool which reveals where a city’s strong and weak points lie and can serve as the key first step in strategic long-term planning to realise cities to be sustainable and water-wise. Following the challenges derived from the City Blueprint approach, where the KDCs score low, other cities in the world are examined that have a higher performance on these indicators and where, these cities apply so-called best practices. In this way, we may learn from other cities how to improve urban water management in the KDCs. Furthermore, it is examined what is needed to translate these improvement options to the KDCs.”

(Citaat: Witjes, M., Koop, S.H.A., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P.P.J. – Report on the improvement options to enhance sustainable urban water management in the Key Demonstration Cities – Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges – POWER – D4.9 (2019))

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