BTO rapport
- BTO 2019.004

Predicting organic micropollutant behavior for selected public supply well field types, with TRANSATOMIC Lite


In this report, a new modeling approach is presented to predict the behavior of Organic MicroPollutants (OMPs) for 4 standard types of Public Supply Well Fields (PSWFs), which cover the most frequently occurring and most vulnerable groundwater resources for drinking water supply in the Netherlands (and Flanders). One of the aims of this approach is to forecast the behavior of new OMPs in the groundwater compartment. This compartment is often overlooked in the current environmental risk assessment methods, which are a priori or a posteriori applied when new organic chemicals appear on the market.
The 4 standard PSWF types consist of a phreatic, a semiconfined, a Basin Artificial Recharge (BAR) and
River Bank Filtration (RBF) well field, each predefined with very representative, standard hydrogeological, hydrological and hydrogeochemical characteristics. The chosen OMP transport model is the Lite version of TRANSATOMIC (acronym: TRANS Aquifer Transport Of MicroContaminants), in which concentration changes are calculated with analytical solutions set in Excel spreadsheet. The processes addressed include volatilization, photolysis, filtration, advection, dispersion (+ diffusion), dilution by mixing with other water, linear sorption and first order decay (by either radioactive decay or biodegradation), in a hydrologically and hydrogeochemically stationary situation.

In dit rapport, wordt een nieuwe modelmatige methode gepresenteerd om het gedrag te voorspellen van (nieuwe) Organische MIcroVErontreinigingen (OMiVe) voor 4 gestandaardiseerde puttenveldtypen. Deze omvatten de meest voorkomende en meest kwetsbare grondwaterbronnen voor de drinkwatervoorziening in Nederland (en Vlaanderen). Doel is om hiermee het risico voor puttenvelden in kaart te brengen, a priori bij het toelatingsbeleid van nieuwe OMiVe en a posteriori bij de prioritering van de monitoring van in het milieu reeds voorkomende OMiVe.

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