Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D1.7

Technological and Economical guide for ASR-Coastal application


“ASR-Coastal is a Subsurface Water Solution (SWS) that has been developed in the past decade. It was extensively tested in the Subsol project. The practical concept includes multiple partially penetrating wells (MPPWs), which are used to store and recover fresh groundwater in brackish-saline, confined aquifers and to increase the vertical control on the infiltrated freshwater. Compared to conventional ASR, the use of MPPWs reduces freshwater losses resulting from buoyancy forces on the relatively light infiltrated freshwater.
The pilots in Nootdorp and Westland have proven that ASR-Coastal is a suitable SWS to reduce problems related to water quality or availability for horticulturalists with a seasonal variability of freshwater demand. Both systems contributed to the development of a reliable system for subsurface storage of freshwater in coastal areas with a brackish-saline subsurface. The installation in Westland has proven that ASR-Coastal can be combined
with other systems, like reverse osmosis, to further improve freshwater management in coastal areas.
This Technological and Economical guide serves as a starting point for end users of freshwater (with a strong interest in a self-reliant freshwater supply), engineering companies and installers, technology providers, consultants, and water managers interested in the development of ASR-Coastal at other coastal sites with temporary water shortages and a brackish-saline subsurface. Through a feasibility study of the water balance and the geohydrology at a specific site, the supporting ASR-Coastal Tool proposes a design and an operational scheme, and estimates the costs involved for installation and implementation.”

(Citaat: Zuurbier, K.G., van Dooren, T.C.G.W., Stuyfzand, P.J. (Quality Assurance), Hinsby, K. (Quality assurance) – Technological and Economical guide for ASR-Coastal application – SUBSOL – D1.7 (2018))

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