Rapport i.s.m. derden - D1.3

Technological and Economical guide for full-scale Freshkeeper application


“Subsurface Water Solutions (SWS): The Freshkeeper
In the past decade, a set of practical concepts called Subsurface Water Solutions (SWS) has been developed, and have been further improved within the Subsol project. These SWS aim to secure freshwater supply from coastal aquifers where brackish and saline groundwater presence and intrusion may form a problem.
The Freshkeeper is one of these SWS concepts, and is subject of this Technological and Economical guide. It is a tool that improves freshwater management in coastal areas by extracting brackish groundwater in addition to extracting fresh groundwater. Two wells are installed, one with its screen in fresh groundwater for the extraction of freshwater. Another well is installed within the brackish groundwater to prevent the shallow fresh groundwater well from salinization and to potentially use brackish water as an additional source of freshwater upon the application of reverse osmosis (Figure 1-1). With this interplay of two wells, the Freshkeeper results in an increased fresh groundwater storage capacity in shallow coastal aquifers where fresh and brackish water are not structurally isolated or confined.”

(Citaat: Oosterhof, A.T., Raat, K.J., van Dooren, T.C.G.W., van den Berg, G.A. (Quality assurance), Hinsby,K. (Quality assurance) – Technological and Economical guide for full-scale Freshkeeper application – SUBSOL D1.3 (2018))

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