Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D1.3, D1.5, D1.7, D2.6

Subsurface Water Solutions SWS - Compilation of Technological and Economical Guides


“This introduction document accompanies the Technological and Economical guides which have been developed for 4 types of Subsurface Water Solutions (SWS) that have reached technology readiness level (TRL) 8 (i.e. “Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration”): Freshkeeper, Freshmaker, ASR Coastal and ASR reuse.
The Technological and Economical guides are meant for freshwater end-users, engineering companies and installers, technology providers, and consultants. They facilitate the identification of available options for SWS implementation, understanding of their key characteristics, and communication with policy makers and regulators to identify and address regulatory issues and potential barriers. This introductory document provides a brief overview of the existing SWS concepts and redirects the reader to the SWS that would be most suitable for the objectives, and thus to the Technological and Economical guide(s) one should read.”

(Citaat: Zuurbier, K.G., Raat, K.J., van Dooren, T.C.G.W. Quality assurance: Stuyfzand, P.J. – Subsurface Water Solutions SWS – Compilation of Technological and Economical Guides – SubSol – D1.3D1.5D1.7D2.6 (2018))

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