Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D4.3

Lessons learned from trust building activities - addition


“The present document is an addition to the deliverable 4.3 ‘Lessons learned from trust building activities’ and part of the SUBSOL consortium’s effort to share intermediate results from the SUBSOL project regarding the development of the prospects for the application of Subsurface Water Solutions (SWS) in different regions globally. It also offers a contribution for a strategy to stimulate international market uptake of SWS.
This document reports about the outcomes of an additional mission to Oman, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), three Arab countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in June 2018.
The particular focus of this addition is a stakeholder identification in the respective countries, the SWS presentation to potential future partners, the identification of potential application sites as well as the collection of basic geographical and institutional information important for the feasibility of SWS. Due to the limited time available for the mission to the three countries, the description of the outcome focusses on the results from one meeting with stakeholders and potential future partners in each of the three countries.”

(Citaat: Gröschke, M., Klingbeil, R., Raat, K.J. – Lessons learned from trust building activities – addition – SubSol – D4.3 – addition (2018))

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