Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D2.5

Completed demonstration of the use of extensively treated wastewater for ASR Coastal (TRL7)


“In Dinteloord (The Netherlands), an advanced sustainable freshwater supply was realized using ASR-Coastal within Subsol. The Dinteloord water system consists of rapid filtration, ultra-filtration (UF) and finally RO-treatment unit for wastewater from a sugar factory, an ASR-Coastal well field, and a 5 km distribution loop connecting all water to with the ASR-Coastal scheme that stores and recovers the water between autumn and spring/summer.
Eventually, more than 200.000 m3 of wastewater is to be effectively stored and reused each year. The system is an example of hybrid grey and green infrastructure. It is collectively owned by the greenhouse owners and costs are covered by a pay-per-use system. In 2016, the wells field’s operational system and the first ASR well were realized and extensively tested.”

(Citaat: Zuurbier, K.G., Stuyfzand, P.J., Hinsby, K. – Completed demonstration of the use of extensively treated wastewater for ASR Coastal (TRL7) – SubSol – D2.5 (2017))

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