Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D5.1

Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management - a better future under climate change. Portfolio of risk management and adaptation strategies available for the six research sites in BINGO


“This document provides a guidance to the online Portfolio of adaptation measures that was developed within the European Horizon 2020 BINGO project. The BINGO project studies the regional impacts of climate change in six regions across Europe and aims to develop tailor-made regional adaptation strategies to deal with these impacts. The online Portfolio means to assist regional stakeholders with the development of local adaptation strategies. By linking adaptation measures to the risks identified at the research sites (which are: decreases in the availability and quality of fresh water due to droughts, (flash) floods and the risk of combined sewage overflow), the sectors primarily affected by these risks (Water Resource Management, Flood Management, Urban Drainage, Public Water Supply, Agriculture), and finally, the character of the adaptation measure (soft/structural), the Portfolio helps the stakeholders to find adaptation measures that are tailored to their specific needs and interests. This guidance report sketches the background and aim of the Portfolio, clarifies some of the underlying concepts, describes the data collection method and its inherent limitations, introduces the main components of the Portfolio and explains how it can be used.”

(Citaat: van Alphen, H.J., Bergsma, E.J., Urioc, S. – Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management – a better future under climate change. Portfolio of risk management and adaptation strategies available for the six research sites in BINGO – BINGO D5.1- (2017))

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