Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D4.2

Monitoring plans


“In this study we identified the most relevant health related water quality issues in rural India and how water quality monitoring can support risk management. The various goals of water quality monitoring were discussed within risk management frameworks like water safety planning (WSP) and quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA), focusing on the Indian context. We also evaluated the current water quality monitoring protocols and practices in India from the viewpoint of health risk management. Monitoring is often seen as a means to assess compliance to targets, however thorough analysis of monitoring results can provide added value. Therefore we collected available monitoring data from various sources in India and the scientific literature to see if they could fulfil the identified monitoring goals. The main focus of the study was the protection of health by adequate monitoring. The monitoring data was used to estimate the actual health impact of drinking water quality in India.”

(Citaat: Smeets, P.W.M.H., Bel, N. van – W4In Monitoring plans (D4.2, Updated) Water4India Project EU Grant 308496, (2016))

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