Peer review artikel

Quantification of waterborne pathogens and associated health risks in urban water


“Citizens are exposed to microbial hazards in urban waters. To quantify health risks associated with this exposure, pathogen concentrations in an urban river, lake, rainwater sedimentation pond, a pond in a park, and a wadi, were assessed. E. coli concentrations were variable in all locations, with mean values ranging between 1.2 × 10(2) (lake) and 1.7 × 10(4) (sedimentation pond) cfu (colony forming units)/100 mL. High concentrations of Campylobacter were found, being the lowest in the lake (4.2 × 10(1) gc (genomic copies)/L) and the highest in the wadi (1.7 × 10(4) gc/L). Cryptosporidium was not found in any sample. Low levels of adenovirus 40/41 were found in some samples in the river (1.8 × 10(1) gc/L) and lake (7.2 × 10° gc/L), indicating human fecal contamination. Legionella pneumophila was found in the sedimentation pond, with higher concentrations after rain events (1.3 × 10(2) gc/L). Cyanochlorophyll-a was found in the lake (7.0 × 10(-1) μg/L), the sedimentation pond (1.1 × 10° μg/L), and the pond in the park (2.9 × 10(1) μg/L), where low levels of microcystin were found (2.1 × 10° μg/L). Campylobacter data were used to estimate gastrointestinal risks from recreational exposure. This revealed risks above the annual disease incidence of campylobacteriosis in The Netherlands, being highest in the wadi and river. Measures are proposed to reduce the health risks.”

(Citaat: Sales-Ortells, H., Agostini, G., Medema, G.J. – Quatification of waterborne pathogens and associated health risks in urban water – Environmental Science and Technology 49(2015)11, p.6943-6952)

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