BTO rapport
- BTO 2008.026

Accurate mass screening and identification of emerging contaminants in environmental samples by liquid chromatography-LTQ FT Orbitrap mass spectrometry


The European REACH legislation will possibly drive producers to innovate
their products, possibly to develop newly designed chemicals that will be less
persistent, bioaccumulative or toxic. If this innovation leads to an increased
use of more hydrophilic chemicals – that are generally less persistent,
bioaccumulative or toxic – this may result in higher mobilities of chemicals in
the aqueous environment. As a result, the drinking water companies may face
stronger demands on removal processes as the hydrophilic compounds
inherently are more difficult to remove. Monitoring efforts will also
experience a shift in focus to more water-soluble compounds. Screening
source waters (groundwater, surface water) on the presence of (emerging)
contaminants is an essential step in the control of the water cycle from source
to tap water.

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