BTO rapport
- BTO 2001.155

Key Criteria for Valve Operation and Maintenance


On March 29 and 30, 2001 the AwwaRF-Kiwa Valves workshop was held. Valve experts from 10 countries and 5 continents gathered at the offices of Kiwa Water Research in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands to discuss operation and maintenance of valves. Ignited by two short presentations the workshop participants entered an open and lively debate on valve reliability, location criteria, maintenance programs, valve exercising, etc.
Valves constitute a critical component in the reliable operation of a utility’s distribution system, especially in minimising service interruptions and ancillary damage during emergencies. Objective of the workshop was to gather information and experience on valve operation and maintenance from around the world in order to outline best practices. Based on the reactions and comments of the workshop participants it is felt that the workshop yielded useful and practical results as well as questions that need further attention.
AwwaRF and Kiwa will use the results of the workshop to outline further research on valves operation and maintenance.
Kiwa Water Research – workshop host and primary investigator for this joint AwwaRF-Kiwa project – and AwwaRF wish to thank all workshop participants for their support and contribution before, during and after the workshop. Further thanks go to all respondents to the questionnaire for sharing their valuable and much appreciated information.

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