BTO rapport
- BTO 2024.064

Quick Scan impact of diffuse PFAS contamination on groundwater extraction sites


The diffuse contamination of the soil with PFAS may threaten groundwater extraction in the Netherlands. A quick scan was performed to identify this threat: indicative calculations were made for vulnerable groundwater extrac- tion into the development of PFAS concentrations in groundwater extracted for drinking water production over the next 200 years. For this purpose, PFAS concentrations that are currently measured in the shallow groundwater and substance-specific adsorption properties of PFAS to soil particles were used. The calculations show that if PFAS con- centrations remain the same in the shallow groundwater, the drinking water targe value of 4.4 ng PEQ/L will be ex- ceeded over a period of approximately 20 years. The scenario calculations show that a ban on PFAS is effective, but will probably come too late to completely prevent exceedances. Additional treatment of extracted groundwater is then temporarily necessary. It is, however, uncertain when and for how long this will be needed, which also differs per location. The quick scan shows that this could be the situation within 10 years.

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