Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D5.1

NATALIE - Initial Roadmap for the implementation and monitoring of actions at the case studies


“This document presents the initial planning, coordination and monitoring activities for the case study activities in NATALIE, which took place during the first six months of the project (M1-M6), as well as the actions planned for the next months, related to the Accelerating and mainstreaming transformative Nature Based Solutions (NBS) to enhance resilience to climate change for diverse bio-geographical European regions at the eight Case Studies (CSs) of the project. It also includes an initial roadmap for the implementation of NATALIE activities at the CS, as well as an initial monitoring plan.
This version (V1) shows the status of Deliverable 5.1 on this specific date of submission (M6). Later in the project, newer (updated) versions of this document will be submitted (M12/M24/M42/M60).
It is practically a living document, continually updated, reporting (a) an updating description of each CS; (b) the stakeholder engagement activities (meetings, actions, etc) within the CSs that are contributing to particular Work Packages (WP2, WP6, WP7); (c) the organisation of preparatory actions for the implementation of stakeholder participation and modelling activities (WP3, WP4) and (d) the organisation of a monitoring mechanism and plan for all these activities, for potential amendment actions (e.g. for delayed work, lack of communication with stakeholders, lack of data, pandemic related issues, unforeseen emergencies etc.), which need to be reported to WP1 (management).
During the first six months of the project, within Task 5.1, NATALIE managed to establish a regular communication mechanism among the CSs and key partners from the other WPs with weekly meetings, thus ensuring a smooth coordination to enable the active participation of all the CSs partners in project activities and in key technical decisions (e.g. the climate projection scenarios selected to be applied across the CSs), as well as the compilation of the long list of stakeholders for all the CSs, with guidance and instructions from WP2.”

(Citation: Broeke, J. van den, Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, L.S. – NATALIE – D5.1 Initial Roadmap for the implementation and monitoring of actions at the case studies (2024))

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