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NVT Risk Assessment: Understanding chemical micropollutants in water


“On the fourth of October the section Risk Assessment organized a symposium on chemical micro-pollutants in water. The symposium was the first face-to-face only meeting of the section Risk Assessment since the COVID-19 pandemic. Around 30 participants attended the meeting, which was held at KWR Water Research Institute in Nieuwegein. Annette Wilschut, the chair of the meeting, thanked KWR for hosting this meeting and providing the very timely topic. The meeting consisted of three presentations and a serious game.”

(Citation: Woutersen, M. (RIVM), met bijdragen van (o.a.) Dingemans, M.M.L. (KWR), Pronk, T.E. (KWR) – NVT Risk Assessment: Understanding chemical micropollutants in water – TCDD (2022)4, p,4-5)

The presentations can be found here:

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