
Hydroinformatics: An interview with Dragan Savic, CEO at KWR Water


“What exactly is hydroinformatics? Hydroinformatics is quite often erroneously considered a purely technological field of developing and applying information and communication technologies (ICT) to water challenges. Yes, it is that, but in my view, it is also much wider – a management philosophy developed to respond to global water challenges, made possible by technology. Therefore, it is not only ICT or IoT-related, but also fully embraces the human-in-the-loop principle with all associated considerations such as ethics, bias, equity, privacy, data protection, and more.
What work is KWR doing in this field? At KWR we embrace the aforementioned holistic approach to hydroinformatics and embed those principles in our activities in the entire water cycle.The key role of hydroinformatics at KWR is to be the ‘eyes and ears’ of the water industry and a strategic partner for the digital transformation of the water sector. As digital issues are becoming a prerogative for water managers, KWR is in an excellent position to support the water sector in keeping them on track with the digital transformation they have already embarked on.The Hydroinformatics Theme within our Joint Research Programme (BTO) is also ensuring that water utilities have a common vision and understanding of challenges and opportunities in deploying digital technologies.”

(Citation: Hydroinformatics: An interview with Dragan Savic, CEO at KWR Water – (2022)21 November)

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