
Interview G.A. van den Berg, J. van den Broeke, F. Fatone - Food & Water: Using Water Smarter


“WATER is vital to life, serving industry, agriculture, and the public. But clean water scarcity is a major problem facing the world currently, with strain on the system expected to continue growing. This makes improving efficiency and protecting groundwater increasingly important.
Industry is a major water user, accounting for about 40% of water abstraction in Europe. The Chemical Engineer spoke with researchers involved in the Horizon 2020 funded project Ultimate, which aims to catalyse water smart industrial symbiosis (WSIS). Project coordinator Gerard van den Berg said this would create economic value and increased sustainability by introducing circular symbiotic arrangements between industry and water service providers. Van den Berg is a Team Manager at water research institute KWR, which leads the project.”

(Citation: Jasi, A. – Interview G.A. van den Berg, J. van den Broeke, F. Fatone – Food & Water, Using Water Smarter – The Chemical Engineering (2022)975, p.18-20)

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