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Case Study 28: aquifer storage and recovery of treated waste water from a sugar factory for drought resilient irrigation supply in Dinteloord, the Netherlands


“In Dinteloord, a modern greenhouse area Nieuw-Prinsenland (260 ha) was developed. The region is located in a salinizing coastal area without a significant external freshwater supply. Aquifers in the wider area are already stressed due to over abstraction for drinking water supply, agriculture, and industries. Ensuring availability of very high-quality (sodium <2.4 mg/l) water, required for greenhouse irrigation, was a major challenge. Rainwater collected at greenhouse roofs and stored in aboveground basins forms the basis for the irrigation water supply, but cannot ensure sufficient water to overcome years with prolonged periods of drought." (Citation: Zuurbier, K.G., Janmaat, P., van Dooren, T.C.G.W. - Case Study 28, Aquifer Storage and Recovery of treated waste water from a sugar factory for drought resilient irrigation supply in Dinteloord, the Netherlands, p.339-347 - In: Managed aquifer recharge – a showcase for resilience and sustainability - Zheng, Y., Ross, A., Villholth, K.G., Dillon, P. (editors) - ISBN: 978-92-3-100488-9 (2021) - (Open Access)) License type: CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO [9571]

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