Interview C. Makropoulos, P. Vale - AnMBR - the secret to unlock NextGen wastewater treatment?
Innovatie & Valorisatie
“Severn Trent’s Spernal site has become a testbed to validate innovative technologies, including “Europe’s largest” Anaerobic MBR, (AnMBR), process.
Spernal – a testbed for innovative technologies. There’s the potential for a “step-change” in wastewater treatment to become carbon negative, energy positive and a generator of resources. And the modification of anaerobic processes to deliver lower energy consumption in colder, more variable climates could be one way to get there. That’s according to Peter Vale, technical lead for innovation at UK utility, Severn Trent (ST).
Developments at the Spernal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) are part of the water company’s “Triple Carbon Pledge”. This includes to meet net zero emissions, generate 100 per cent energy from renewable sources and operate a 100 per cent electric fleet by 2030.”
(Citation: Interview C. Makropoulos, P. Vale – AnMBR – the secret to unlock NextGen wastewater treatment? – (2021)4 February)