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Interview M.M.L. Dingemans - Neurotoxicity in Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality Management


“Neurotoxicity, a well-established human toxicity endpoint, is gaining traction as an endpoint of environmental toxicity. Currently, the main focus of neurotoxicological research is to develop models to assess potential effects of chemicals in humans and it has been estimated that 30% of the commercially available substances have neurotoxic potential to some extent. Environmental samples typically contain a multitude of low-level compounds, being either natural, synthetic or transformation products. Besides chemicals with unknown neurotoxic potential, many of the chemicals detected in freshwater monitoring have an identified neurotoxic mode of action.”

(Citation: Woutersen, J. – Interview M.M.L. Dingemans – Neurotoxicity in Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality Management – TCDD (2020)3, p. 17-20)

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