Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D7.2

Scientific quality assurance plan


“Deliverable 7.2 “Scientific quality assurance plan” was developed within Task 7.5 – Quality Assurance and Progress Monitoring, led by KWR, from WP7 – Project
management. This deliverable aims at ensuring that the project will satisfy the established quality standards. The Plan defines quality management processes and includes procedures to review the internal management and quality progress reports, as well as the overall project deliverables. It also considers the evaluation of events and describes the management procedures and tools adopted for measuring and monitoring the project’s progress. The QA officer (EUT) and KWR (coordinator) have contributed to this document.”

(Citation: Casadella, A., Casas, S., Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, L., van den Broeke, J. (Quality Assurance) – ULTIMATE Scientific quality assurance plan – D7.2 (2020))

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