Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D4.4

AquaNES Web based interactive tools for QMRA and chemical water quality assessment


“The AquaNES project will catalyze innovations in water and wastewater treatment processes and management through improved combinations of natural and engineered components. Water quality assessment and associated risk assessment is essential for the evaluation of water treatment. It is not always possible to monitor water quality along treatment trains because of multiple reasons. For example: monitoring is too labor intensive, detection limits do not meet requirements, or dynamics in source water quality cannot be covered by occasional monitoring. Therefore, scenario studies are required to perform treatment assessment (and risk assessment) under different conditions. In that way the tools can assess whether the treatment of a particular type of water with an intended (re)use can meet defined quality criteria. This report gives a description of two tools developed within the AquaNES project.
QMRA: Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment is a preventive strategy for microbial safety of water The major components is determining the source water quality and the presence of microbial pathogens, assessment of the Pathogen Elimination Capacity of the treatment and exposure assessment and risk calculations.
QC(R)A: Quantitative Chemical (Risk) Assessment calculates the removal of a share of micro contaminants in treatment trains. The major components is determining the source water quality and the presence of micro contaminants, assessment of the chemical removal of the treatment and the estimation or residues of contaminants in the treated water.”

(Citation: ter Laak, T.L., Ariestiwi, A., Vries, D., Wicke, D. – AquaNES Web based interactive tools for QMRA and chemical water quality assessment – D4.4 (2019))

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