
KWR in the news G.J. Medema - "The world is not ready for a pandemic"...WHO issues a rare public scolding, saying countries wasting time, should maintain lockdowns despite cost


“Dutch scientists were able to find the coronavirus in a city’s wastewater before Covid-19 cases were reported, demonstrating a novel early warning system for the pneumonia-causing disease.
The so-called SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is often excreted in an infected person’s stool. Although it’s unlikely that sewage will become an important route of transmission, the pathogen’s increasing circulation in communities will increase the amount of it flowing into sewer systems, Gertjan Medema and colleagues at the KWR Water Research Institute in Nieuwegein said on Monday.”

(Citation: KWR in the news G.J. Medema – “The world is not ready for a pandemic”…WHO issues a rare public scolding, saying countries wasting time, should maintain lockdowns despite cost – (2020)1 April)

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