BTO rapport - BTO 2020.202(s)

Influence of season on water demand


Vanessa Paniccia (Universita Degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale) heeft tijdens haar afstuderen bij KWR onderzoek gedaan naar invloed van seizoen op de watervraag. Met de uitkomsten van het onderzoek zijn seizoen afhankelijke invoerparameters voor SIMDEUM verder aangescherpt, als vervolg op het onderzoek beschreven in het KWR-rapport 2018.043 “Seizoensinvloeden op waterverbruik”. Hiermee kan SIMDEUM seizoensinvloeden in aanmerking nemen bij het modeleren van de watervraag.
De samenwerking met de Universita Degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale heeft tevens de mogelijkheid geboden om een niet-KWR onderzoeker te laten werken met SIMDEUM en de analyse van Nederlandse data van waterverbruik.

Structure of the thesis: The elaborate in question, following the initial introduction, is structured as follows: In the first chapter there is a description of the importance of the study on the demand for water, it defines what the uncertainty of the demand depends on, what it depends on, what are the factors that influence the consumption of water by users. The great influence of the seasons on the demand for water and the number of people and the type of people present in homes is highlighted. A subchapter in which the SIMDEUM model is described. The model and method used is described. The statistical
information underlying the SIMDEUM. A last subchapter which describes how to use the SIMDEUM, the input files and the output file are defined.
In the second chapter the case study of the thesis work is described in detail. The studied locations of the Netherlands are reported and described. This chapter also describes the various data filtering analyzes to obtain a reference location for making comparisons with the SIMDEUM. The first filtering analysis of the data is described. To understand the trend of the demand pattern, a moving average of the observed data is calculated. In addition, the analysis of maxima and minima and the search for zeros are described. Finally, there is a sub-paragraph to describe the characteristics of the measuring instrument and a further sub-paragraph in which the optimization method used is described.
In the third chapter are reported the most important results of the various simulations carried out. Specifically, the results for an atypical climate in the Netherlands are reported.
The conclusions chapter follows. This chapter contains the comments and final considerations of the work done. There is a prediction of the behavior of water demand. Furthermore, reflections are proposed for future work on this same project.

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