Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D5.2

BINGO Compilation report on initial workshops at the six research sites


“This report gives a summary of the reports of the first two series workshops of the BINGO project. The workshops were held at the six research sites in month 8 and month 15 of the BINGO project. The first series of workshops focused in risk identification, while the second series had preparedness at the heart of the debate.
Although the research sites are very different, they face, in the perception of the participants, very similar challenges as a result of climate change. What also becomes apparent from the workshop participants is the inherent complexity of the issues and the multiple reinforcing stresses from the same cause. Similar causes may lead to very different effects for different stakeholders in different circumstances. The effects are complex in nature and thus require solutions that are sensitive to complexity and uncertainty.
The fact that research sites deal with different issues in different constellations of stakeholders, with different future horizons in different policy and governance situations, makes a comparison between the research sites both challenging and interesting. In some cases, similar problems lead to different measures, because of different conditions. In other cases, similar measures are considered for different reasons or to solve different problems. Both similarity and difference allow for a great deal of learning from each other.”

(Citaat: van Alphen, H.J. – BINGO Compilation report on initial workshops at the six research sites – D5.2 (2017))

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