Rapport i.s.m. derden - D4.2

Analysis and Evaluation toolkit - Report documenting the overall established methodology


‘” The current document (Deliverable 4.2 “Risk Analysis and Evaluation Toolkit”) is the outcome of a conscious effort to commit all autonomous, yet interoperable tools of RAET developed under the Risk Assessment and Treatment Framework to paper. The deliverable was developed by KWR, ICCS and SINTEF partners within Task 4.2 “Development of Risk Analysis and Evaluation Toolkit” of WP4, led by the KWR partner.
The primary objective of this document is to give end-users a clear and concise picture of the overall framework and its different components which are essential for cyber-physical risk management. The respective Parts A to Ε of the document have been drafted to assist users’ understanding in terms of the RAET tools’ actual interoperability and combined use. Detailed descriptions of some tools are provided in other STOP-IT deliverables and thus references are given to those documents when necessary. An indicative example is the Risk Identification Database (RIDB), a component developed under WP3 and documented in Deliverable 3.2, which is a perquisite for the threat/events identification implemented within RAET.”

(Citaat: Makropoulos, C., Moraitis, G., Nikolopoulos, D., et al. – Risk Analysis and Evaluation toolkit – Report documenting the overall established methodology – STOP-IT – D4.2 – WP4 Deliverable Report for T4.2 (May 2019))

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