Rapport i.s.m. derden - D4.10

Towards water-wise cities and the role of DSPs - Guidance fora n integrative multi-objective assessment methods to enhance sustainable transitions of UWCS in municipalities and regions


“The user-driven POWER project aims to share knowledge of and experience concerning local water challenges in different municipalities in the EU and beyond. The project has created a tool, a Digital Social Platforms (DSP), which facilitate new forms of knowledge sharing and communication. This report aims to propose a step-by-step process which enables cities to engage in a sustainability transition to become water-wise through the considered use of DSPs. This step-by-step guide consists of six parts. The first three steps are related to assessment methods which constitute the principal objective of this report: 1) to determine water management priorities, 2) to establish the governance baseline; and 3) to assess public awareness and engagement. These are supported by three further steps developed within Work Package 4 but summarised here which together ensure transitions towards further sustainability and form a basis for the successful implementation of long-term visions (Deliverable 4.4). The latter include 4) to stimulate public engagement 5) to secure long-term political and social continuity and 6) to main-stream city-to-city learning. We conclude this report with six suggestions to enable cities to foster sustainable transitions through the use of DSPs.”

(Citaat: Witjes, M., Koop, S.H.A., Dieperink, C., Driessen, P. – Towards water-wise cities and the role of DSPs – Guidance fora n integrative multi-objective assessment methods to enhance sustainable transitions of UWCS in municipalities and regions – POWER – D4.10 (2019))

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