Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D2.6

Guide on using ASR-Coastal with treated wastewater for irrigation


“In Dinteloord (The Netherlands), an advanced sustainable freshwater supply was realized using ASR-Coastal within the Subsol project. The Dinteloord water system consists of rapid filtration, ultra-filtration (UF) and finally RO-treatment for wastewater from a sugar factory, an ASR-Coastal well field, and a 5 km distribution loop connecting all water with the ASR-Coastal scheme that stores and recovers the water between autumn and spring/summer. The system was officially opened in April 2018 and is currently in operation.”

(Citaat: Zuurbier, K.G., van Dooren, T.C.G.W., Ros, S.E.M., Stuyfzand, P.J. (Quality assurance), Hinsby, K. (Quality assurance) – Guide on using ASR-Coastal with treated wastewater for irrigation – SUBSOL – D2.6 (2018))

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