Policy Briefs and Solution Packages for WSW Stakeholders
Innovatie & Valorisatie
“This guide introduces the concept of pTA and provides an easy to use step-by-step guide for how to carry it out. It is directed to decision makers, managers, consultants, researchers, private water supply enterprises and anyone else interested in taking the first steps to identify and implement solutions for water management.
As the pilot studies showed, no such tool can be transferred directly from one context to another. Therefore, the model presented in this guide may require adjustments to fit the particular setting, and in some sections we present different variations to choose between. We do, however, strongly recommend that the main idea of substantial stakeholder involvement remains the overarching aim and is reflected in the practical organization of the process. There are multiple reasons to do so, which we will get back to in the following.”
(Citaat: Degnbol, D., Jakobsen, J.B., Gram, S., Clemmensen, A.H., Henriksen, H., RasmussenK.G. – Policy Briefs and Solution Packages for WSW Stakeholders – SubSol D4.2 (2018))