BTO rapport - BTO 2018.079

European regulatory frameworks in relation to chemicals of emerging concern


The number and amount of chemicals detected in drinking water and sources is increasing due to the intensifying production and use of chemical compounds,
sociodemographic developments, longer periods of reduced river discharge as a consequence of climate change, and improved sensitivity of analytical techniques. Renowned (inter)national organisations and authorities such as the United Nations and European Commission acknowledge the urge to reduce the impact of chemical contamination on environmental and human health. For market introduction and approved use of chemicals, health risk assessment is part of the authorisation procedure resulting in labelling, restricting, or banning the use of the most hazardous chemicals. Risk assessment and management of environmental contamination with chemicals is however challenging due to, amongst others, the large variety in chemicals and emission sources. This report provides a quick scan of European legislation and regulation of chemical production and emissions in relation to impact on water quality, categorized by (i)
market introduction and approved use, (ii) emission to environment, and (iii) receiving environment (immission), and indicates whether environmental emissions and environmental and human health protection are addressed. Many authorisation procedures for chemicals evaluate emission the aquatic environment and assess potential health effects. A number of gaps and issues for water quality protection were however identified:

Het aantal nieuwe stoffen dat wordt geproduceerd en in drinkwaterbronnen wordt aangetroffen neemt toe, en zal naar verwachting blijven toenemen. Voor Vewin is een inventarisatie gemaakt van de relevante Europese regelgeving rond de toelating van chemische stoffen, zoals de REACH-wetgeving, met het doel na te gaan welke verbeteringen in de regelgeving nodig zijn om de kwaliteit van drinkwaterbronnen goed te beschermen. De inventarisatie laat zien dat er verbeterpunten zijn op drie belangrijke gebieden: restricties voor stoffen die drinkwaterbronnen bedreigen en stimulans voor alternatieven, meer samenhang in de wetgeving, en optimalisatie van de implementatie van restricties uit Europese wetgeving.

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