
Advances in development and testing of a sustem of autonomous inspection robots for drinking water distribution systems


“An aging network in combination with stricter stakeholder requirements force the Dutch drinking water sector to improve the asset management of their water transport and distribution networks. Autonomous inspection robots (AIRs) provide a means to obtain knowledge on the condition of more pipes against lower cost, resulting in more focused rehabilitations and replacements, reduction of water loss through leakage, and a better knowledge and understanding of the system. In 2017, the Dutch water utilities started a joint product development project together with KWR and 4 technology providers with the aim of developing a system of autonomous inspection robots that is ready for implementation in an operational setting. In our contribution to the 2017 CCWI conference, we presented the concept and startup of the development. In this contribution, we report on the progress which has been made since. We start by reiterating the need for more advanced inspection technologies for aging drinking water infrastructure such as autonomous inspection robots. Then, we briefly describe the background and recent progress in the development of the system. We present a business case approach to justify the development and application of the robot system. Finally, we describe the testing facility which is under development for AIR.”

(Citaat: van Thienen, P., Bergmans,B., Diemel, R., Helgers, M., et al. – Advances in development and testing of a sustem of autonomous inspection robots for drinking water distribution systems – 1st. International WDSA CCWI 2018 Joint Conference, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, July 23-25, 2018)

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