Monitoring Report Fijnzeven op rwzi Aarle-Rixtel. Het effect van fijnzeven op het rwzi proces
Industrie, Afvalwater & Hergebruik
“The treatment of sewage water with finescreens has been used in Norway for many years as physical sewage treatment. Screencap investigates a new application of finescreens, being a pre-treatment step of influent before it is fed to a biological waste water treatment plant (wwtp) to obtain more treatment capacity at the wwtp. Until now, the impact on the waste water treatment process is not fully known… The impact includes parameters such as aeration flow and sludge production, sludge settling and dewatering, effluent quality and energy consumption.
Screencap determines the effect of influent treatment with finescreens on the sewage treatment process. For this purpose, a finescreen plant consisting of eight finescreens has been taken into operation on one of two identical, independent waste water treatment lanes of the wwtp Aarle- Rixtel (capacity 272,000 pollution equivalents (p.e.)).
During the period 13 October 2016 to 15 August 2017 intensive monitoring took place on the performance of the finescreens and both waste water treatment lanes. By comparing the results of the finescreens-equipped and conventional waste water treatment lane,
the effect of the finescreen pre-treatment could be determined.
Prior to the Screencap study, a zero measurement was conducted, confirming that both waste water treatment lanes were comparable at the start of the Screencap study.”
(Citaat: Kras, R., Roest, K. – Monitoring Report Fijnzeven op rwzi Aarle-Rixtel. Het effect van fijnzeven op het rwzi proces – Screencap – D4.3 2017)