Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D 3.1

Report on best practices in water management for all 4 use cases. Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges


“This report includes an analysis of best practices on urban water management for the following specific themes: 1) extreme weather events, 2) reduction of drinking water consumption, 3) variables related to water conservation, and 4) water quality. For each theme the best practices in the Key Demonstration Cities (KDC) are provided. Front-running cities have been identified based on the database of the City Blueprint Approach of more than 60 municipalities in regions in 30 different countries. An overview of promising concepts is provided together with interviews with key entities and associations in water management and governance.”

(Citaat: van Leeuwen, C.J., Koop, S.H.A., et al. – Report on best practices in water management for all 4 use cases. Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges – Deliverable 3.1 POWER H2020 European Project (2017))

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