
KWR in het nieuws C.J. van Leeuwen, S.H.A. Koop - Urban Water Atlas for Europe


“Last week, at the Ministerial Meeting on Water in Malta, the Urban Water Atlas for Europe was presented to Commissioner Karmenu Vella (Commissioner in charge of Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Union) and to all delegations at the meeting of the Union for the Mediterranean. The picture shows from left to right: Richard Elelman (CTM), Bernd Gawlik (JRC), Karmenu Vella (COM), Kees van Leeuwen (KWR) and Stef Koop (KWR). The Atlas is a complete panorama of water management in European cities. The Urban Water Atlas for Europe aims to raise public interest and participation in water issues by combining the work of scientists, artists, politicians and municipal stakeholders with that of schoolchildren and teachers.’

(Citaat: KWR in het nieuws C.J. van Leeuwen, S.H.A. Koop – Urban Water Atlas for Europe – (2017)May – Website 7 juni 2017)

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