Peer review artikel

Editorial 7th International Water and Health Seminar


“This is a special issue of the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health that contains scientific papers from the seventh International Water and Health. This seminar took place from June 29 to July 1, 2015 in Cannes, France. The objective of this seminar is to:
– Favour the dialogue between young and senior scientists in this fast moving scientific area.
– Allow young researchers to discuss their results with internationally recognized scientists.
– Foster dialogue between all disciplines contributing to the advancement of water safety.
– Develop mentorship and networks between academic scientists and the water industry.
– Identify new research needs to improve water safety well into the future.
For this seminar, PhD students were asked to submit their Water & Health related scientific work to the scientific board of the seminar. From these applicants, 17 PhD students were selected to present their work at the seminar. The PhD students were conducting their research in nine countries: France, Spain, Germany, China, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark, United Kingdom, Brazil and USA. They presented their research under the mentorship of 14 senior lecturers from industry and academia.”

© 2016 Published by Elsevier GmbH.

(Citaat: Medema, G.J., Loret, J.F., Hartemann, P. – Editorial 7th International Water and Health Seminar – International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 219(2016)7, p.575-576)

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