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Interview A.D. Hulsmann - A common vision for European Water Innovation


“This month, WssTP is focusing on “Urban Water Pollution”and we are interviewing Adriana D. Hulsmann, WG leader of WssTP Working Group Urban Water Pollution to get her latest insights!
What is the main objective in setting up a WG in “Urban Water Pollution”?
The objective of the WG UWP is to inventory the knowledge and the knowledge gaps in urban water pollution, with the aim of identifying research needs as well as innovative solutions and current best practices that have not yet found their way to the market or are not yet implemented in the water sector. In doing so, the WG tries to contribute to finding opportunities for new business and create jobs in Europe.”

(Citaat: Michel, T. – Interview A.D. Hulsmann – A common vision for European Water Innovation – WssTP-Newsletter (2014) October)

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