A bottum-up approach to estimate dry weather flow in minor sewer networks
“In order to evaluate the feasibility of installing decentralised installations for wastewater reuse in
cities, information about flows at specific spots of a sewer is needed. However, measuring
intermittent flows in partially filled conduits is a technical task which is sometimes difficult to
accomplish. This paper describes a method to model intermittent discharges in small sewers by
linking a stochastic model for wastewater discharge to a hydraulic model to predict the attenuation
of the discharges and its impact on the arrival time to a defined spot. The method was validated in a
case study. The model estimated adequately the wastewater discharges on working days.”
(Citaat: Elias-Maxil, J.A., van der Hoek, J.P., Hofman, J., Rietveld, L. A bottum-up approach to estimate dry weather flow in minor sewer networks – Water Science & Technology 69(2014)5, p.1059-1066)