Integration and Innovation of the Urban Water Cycle: The Waternet Experience
Industrie, Afvalwater & Hergebruik
“Waternet is the first water cycle company in the Netherlands, responsible for drinking water treatment and distribution,
wastewater collection and treatment, and water system management and control in and around Amsterdam. Waternet started on 1
January 2006 to overcome the disadvantages of the rather fragmented organisation of the Dutch public water sector. The water cycle
concept offers better opportunities to meet the future challenges in the water sector. The first four years of operation of Waternet show
very promising results with respect to efficiency, customer orientation and quality improvement. To further develop the water cycle
concept and to find sustainable solutions for the challenges the water sector is confronted with, Waternet focuses on six strategic
innovation areas the coming years: water resources and water system; closing the water cycle; sustainability; new sanitation concepts;
new products and services; management innovations.”
(Citaat: van der Hoek, J.P., Hofman, J.A.M.H., van Someren, T.C.R. – Integration and Innovation of the Urban Water Cycle; The Waternet Experience – Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 5(2011) 5, p.533-544)