Proefschrift KWR

Hydrochemistry and Hydrology of the Coastal Dune area of the Western Netherlands


“In this thesis an integrated approach of the hydrochemistry and hydrology of Holland’s coastal dune area is offered, with emphasis on the chemical composition of groundwater. A regional survey of the coastal dune area in between Camperduin (North Holland) and Monster (South Holland) forms the starting point of a detailed exploration of the processes that are responsible for the observed, extreme chemical variations of groundwater, both in space and time. This exploration starts with general descriptions and proceeds with increasing detailed information and interpretation. Due attention is paid to historical developments, atmospheric deposition, the complex transformation of rain water into shallow groundwater, the chemical evolution within various water bodies
down the hydraulic gradient over 0.8-10 kIn towards their intrusion front, and chemical mass balances. The latter indicate the most plausible reactions that occurred and their respective contribution to the observed water quality.”

(Citaat: Stuyfzand, P.J. – Hydrochemistry and Hydrology of the Coastal Dune area of the Western Netherlands)

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