Rapport i.s.m. derden
- D1.4

Improved Freshmaker Reference site. Improved Freshmaker reference site in Ovezande, the Netherlands (TRL8)


“The Freshmaker pilot in Ovezande, the Netherlands, started in 2013 and will run until at least 2017. The aim at this SUBSOL reference site is to demonstrate the robustness and to improve the operation of the Freshmaker: maximize the freshwater recovery, while minimizing the saltwater interception and energy consumption. Additional focus is on the intake/pre-treatment of infiltrated stormwater runoff. The Ovezande Freshmaker consists of two 70 meter long horizontal wells (75 mm diameter) for additional infiltration of freshwater (upper well, 7 m depth) and abstraction of saltwater (lower well, 14.5 m depth). During the rainy season, 50 – 100 m3 of fresh water can be infiltrated per m filter length, resulting in an additional freshwater storage of 3,500 – 7,000 m3, enough to provide the local farmer with irrigation water during summer. A pilot was executed in 2013/2014 and prolonged operation and achievement of TRL8 (actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration) was the aim in the SUBSOL project.”

(Citaat: Zuurbier, K.G., van Dooren, T., Ros, S.E.M. (Quality assurance: Stuyfzand, P.J., Hinsby, K.) – Improved Freshmaker Reference site. Improved Freshmaker reference site in Ovezande, the Netherlands (TRL8) – SubSol – D1.4 (2018))

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