Help and Support
The online library of KWR is the search engine for all public publications by KWR researchers. You’ll find reports, peer-reviewed papers, theses, articles from journals and public media. Through this tool we make KWR’s knowledge publicly available and searchable.
We constantly add new publications to the library.
How does KWR’s library work?
You can search our publications in two ways. Firstly, by typing one or multiple keywords in the search bar. Secondly, by clicking on the ‘All articles‘ button. You can search our database by using filters.
Create an account
The use of the tool is completely free. For added convenience, you have the option of logging in with your existing Google, LinkedIn or Facebook account. We use this information only to create an account for the Publication tool. We would never post messages on your profile or timeline.
Once you’ve created an account, you can save publications in your favourites and sort them into folders.
Share publications
In all publications, we give you the opportunity to share this with family, friends and colleagues.
If you have questions about the tool feel free te contact us: